| cz
Was it a long way? |
Byla to dlouhá cesta? |
I wanted to meet her outside my school. |
Chtěl jsem se s ní setkat před mojí školou. |
I wanted to help them. |
Chtěl jsem jim pomoci. |
We wanted to say hallo to them. |
Chtěli jsme je pozdravit. |
I wanted to give a present to Susan. |
Chtěl jsem dát Zuzaně dárek. |
What did you need? |
Co jsi potřeboval? |
How much did you pay her? |
Kolik jsi jí zaplatil? |
Why is Peter white? |
Proč je Petr bílý (bledý)? |
Who spoke English? |
Kdo mluvil anglicky? |
When did he write this letter? |
Kdy napsal tento dopis? |
He was in school. |
Byl ve škole. |
He came to Prague, when he was ten. |
Přijel do Prahy, když mu bylo deset. |
He was in London. |
Byl v Londýně. |
I waited for five minutes. |
Počkal jsem pět minut. |
She didn't have breakfast. |
Nesnídala. |
She didn't go to Paris. |
Nejela do Paříže. |
What did Mary do yesterday? |
Co dělala Mary včera. |
When did Sylvia phone Filip? |
Kdy volala Silvie Filipovi? |
What did Jana tell Monika? |
Co řekla Jana Monice? |